To be eligible for the study
​​Thank you for your interest in participating in our study! The first step is to determine if you are eligible to participate in our studies.

To do this, please click on the button below to fill out the following survey questions to see if you qualify. We will ask you for your contact information so that we can reach out to you after you complete the survey. We will have some follow up questions to determine your eligibility.

Please allow 14 days for us to contact you.

After we have fully determined your eligibility with you, you will provided with the consent form to determine if you are willing to participate and then we can begin scheduling your study.

Please note the following:

1. The online questions only determine eligibility, and you will NOT be paid for completing this survey.

2. You can choose to stop your participation at any time without any penalty to you.

3. Please be assured that your privacy is a priority to us; therefore, your responses for this survey will only be used for scientific purposes, and are kept on our secured servers. Moreover, if you become a participant and contribute to our research dataset, all of your responses will be kept anonymous in all publications.

Click here to begin the survey